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United Allied

Federal Injury Consultants

Welcome to the United Allied Education and Resource platform.

  • We offer viable options and solutions for medical providers looking to expand their footprint into the Department of Labor injured workers compensation space.
  • Expand the opportunity to serve injured workers with new claims, existing claims and denied claims.
  • While most practices only serve traumatic injuries, we will teach you to not only properly serve traumatic injuries but occupational injuries as well.

Our Services

Through our "E.A.T" program, (Education, Advocacy, Training), the process is seamless and dynamic. Our team of qualified consultants empowers both parties on what and how the office of worker's compensation expectations are from all claimants.


United Allied Handbook Available on Amazon
As advertised on Amazon, United Allied has comprised a handbook specifically for Understanding Federals Workers Compensation. This handbook is designed to assist medical providers interested in serving one the country's most underserved markets.


Claims management and narrative templates

Having trouble speaking the language of the Department of Labor? Claims getting denied? If you're currently working with injured federal workers and not having much success getting claims approved and reimbursed for services rendered, we have a solution.

Training course

Take advantage of our 3 day training course
United Allied offers a more intimate option for Understanding federal workers compensation through our 3 day training program. It's fun, informative and thought provoking covering key strategies and ideas on how to best serve those who need your help.


We can assist you with navigating the twists and turns
Having challenges with getting your practice credentialed with the Department of Labor? Not any longer, allow United Allied to assist you with this task. We offer affordable pricing and fast turnarounds.

Why Choose United Allied?

Years of market research shows, most injured federal workers are uninformed with how to properly file an injury claim and/or where to find physicians familiar with the federal claims process. United Allied is the solution to both challenges.